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It's really raining now! Do we need a Boat or an Ark!?                 April 28, 2012

When it rains it pours!                                             April 24, 2012

This is the way we felt last April after our bridge washed out twice and had to be replaced, after so much rain, then with so many other things going on and nothing seeming to go our way, it was discouraging, but maybe it was God's way and Him, teaching us patience and us needing to listen to Him. We needed to look around and find a friend for Sabestian (alpacas need to be with two or more). We soon found Kimberlee and Cassia both females and will be expecting a cria (baby) next spring. Lord willing! We don't have pictures of them yet and should be arriving at the farm somtime in May. We look forward to the new additions both this year and for next year, and we are also excited about getting the fiber processed and seeing what we can do with it.  

Spring thyme on the Farm                                       April 6, 2012



We have been busy around the farm this spring, and have been inspired to make some changes and additions. With the early seaon we have been busy clearing out an overgrown woodland with the vision to make a Lavender Field (My Vision) or a few plots of Lavender (Brad's Vision) so that was a major untaking itself. Then after visiting a nearby farm with alpacas we saw how cute they really are and thought they would be a welcomed addition to the farm. Since we had a rough winter with loosing our two female mini horses we thought we needed some new faces around the farm this spring. So thinking we should start small we aquired Sabestian on "Good Friday" , we thought this had to be truely a "Good' inspiration. He is little with being only still a baby, his 1st birthday is in July. He such a cute little Alpaca.  

Snow Scapes                                                              Jan. 2012

We had a fairly mild winter this year but enjoyed the snow when we did get some new white splendor.

Winter 2012

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Castle Creek Farm Copyright ©2010

            We enjoy herbs, with all they do we find it is a continual learning experience. We would like to pass along some tidbits and experiences only to help others understand. We are not here to diagnosis or treat any disease, this information is only for educational purposes for living a natural life and maintaining good health, what you do with it is up to you. We can mot provide you with herb and or drug interaction. If you have any health condition we advise you to seek the help of a medical professional. There are wonderful doctors that are open to herbal treatments and also natural practitioners.        Be Wise and Live Naturallyl ~~ Gather information about what you are taking, like any drug, herbs can be toxic in the right dosage, so know what you are taking and why also it is important to know the correct amount for your body.        Thank you for your understanding.      Castle Creek Farm

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